1097. Budapest, Péceli Str. 2.
1476 Budapest Pf. 136.
Tel: (+36-1) 347-4010, Fax: (+36-1) 347-4015
E-mail: mavkfv@mavkfv.hu
Mrs Ágnes Kemény | Manager | akemeny@mavkfv.hu |
Mr. József Végi | Technical manager | jvegi@mavkfv.hu |
Miss Mária Zsigó | Economic and HR manager | mzsigo@mavkfv.hu |
Mr. Balázs Erdei | Head of the bridge diagnostic department | berdei@mavkfv.hu |
Mr. Attila Gauland | Head of track material qualification department | agauland@mavkfv.hu |
Mr. Dávid Tóth | Head of the rail diagnostic department | dtoth@mavkfv.hu |
Mr. István Pálffy | Head of the technical department | ipalffy@mavkfv.hu |
Mr. Ákos Marosi | Head of the track diagnostic department | amarosi@mavkfv.hu |